
Archive for May, 2024

Today’s Manna in the Word:
Who is wise?

It is a good question. If we are wise we would recognize the God of the Bible is who He says He is and that God is right on what He says.

Who is wise?
Let him understand these things.
Who  is prudent?
Let him know them.

For the ways of the Lord  are right;
The righteous walk in them,
But transgressors stumble in them.
‭Hosea 14:9 NKJV‬

God’s ways are always right.
He has only good intended for us.

Our difficulties come when we do not trust Him, and when we decide our own way of doing.

The ways of “man” lead to destruction, selfishness, short term appeasement, and greed and avarice… ultimately death, because there is no life in them.

God’s ways lead to life.

Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Transgressors stumble.
God lifts up all of those who seek righteousness in Him.
God makes us right. God walks with us to ensure our steps are also right, to be like Him.

So, who is wise?

Walk with the God of righteousness through Jesus Christ.


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