
Archive for October, 2017

The heart. It is not just a muscle in the center left of the chest. It speaks to the core of who we are as people. 

We were made in the image and likeness of YHWH Elohim (the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible). God is spirit – the essence of His being. In point of fact, His name YHWH means “I am” – the essence and being of His own existance. 

The core of essence of our being – our heart – is love, power, and a sound or sure nature. That is until we as a specie separated ourselves through sin – our choosing to try to live separate from the God who is life.

What happens from there is recognition that something is missing. 

Man’s first reaction to separation was to be a covering for himself. Fig leaves are not long lasting at all.

Man’s second reaction was murder, then walls to hide bebind, then to make a name for themselves. Since man could no longer reach God, man made gods that he could reach.

God said in Exodus 20 to not make any graven image as a god or even for God. Man did not listen.

Check point: at what alter do you worship most often?

An idolatrous heart is conditioned to worship the bright and shiny, the rich and power, the beautiful and sensual, that at which he or she can only guess and hope. 

Since man could not reach God, man made gods after man’s own fashion. The gods of man were / are made after the image and likeness of mans’ own design.

The idolatrous heart condition has set up gods to worship. 

Around the world man has made idols or little gods to worship. Heroes, philosophers, the beautiful, the enticing, the awe-inspiring, and those deemed to be better than the rest.

None of them have life. Not real, everlasting life. 

The idolatrous heart chases after things to worship instead of the one who created them.

Man is created to worship, to carry value and worth to one that is worthy to receive the gift. 

The idolatrous heart seeks succor and satisfaction from that which cannot deliver.

Like it or not: Jesus, only Jesus can give you access to succor and satisfaction that lasts. 

When the idolatrous heart finds a real Jesus, not a religious Jesus, idolatry fades away when exposed to truth, and truth fills that area of life that always seemed to be empty. 

God shows up when idolatry is put away. That which was man made fades in importance and desire when that which fills to the full and satisfies has fully come into you life.

The true God puts away idolatry just by who He is. The heart condition that pursued idols has now met true Life and One worthy of all praise and honor and glory.

What the world sees as right and attempts to explain in iconography, God explains by simply showing Himself by His Spirit.

Meet God.

Ask the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible to show Himself mightily in your life through the cross of Jesus Christ.

We cannot come near God without Jesus. God will not get close to us and give us His life without our first accepting and receiving what Jesus did at the cross, the grave, and the resurrection.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Confess Jesus as Savior and Lord. Do all He commanded you according to the Bible. Now rejoice! Your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and God can walk with you and give you His Holy Spirit and be with you all ways.


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